- 學歷 Education
美國西北大學理論與應用力學博士 (Ph.D., Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Northwestern University, IL, USA)
國立台灣大學應用力學碩士 (MS, Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
國立台灣大學機械工程學士 (BS, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
- 經歷 Experience
國立成功大學微奈米科技研究中心-副主任(Associate Director of Micro/Nano Science and Technology)
國立成功大學機械系系主任(Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering)
國立成功大學微奈米科技研究中心-行政業務組組長(Group Leader of Administrative for Micro/Nano Science and Technology)
博士後研究,美國康乃爾大學工程應用物理系(Post-Doc. in Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA)
- 研究領域 Researches
實驗固體力學 (Experimental Solid Mechanics)
應力波動學 (Elastic Wave Propagation)
超音波工程與非破壞性檢測 (Ultrasound Engineering and Non-destructive Evaluation)
聲波感測器 (Acoustic Sensor)
高頻電子測試 (High-Speed Electrical Testing)
表面聲波元件 (Surface Acoustic Wave Device)
準分子雷射微細加工 (Excimer Laser Micromachining)
奈米壓印與滾印技術 (Nano-Imprinting and Roller Imprinting)
無光罩式黃光微影技術 (Maskless Lithography)
軟性光罩式微影技術 (Soft Photomask Lithography)